Friday, December 19, 2008

Blizzard & Santa Claus

It is currently snowing between 1 and 2 inches an hour with ridiculous winds but you will have to take my word for it because when I attempted to take a picture for this post, the front door blew open and in my attempt to grab it and pull it closed I crunched my camera in the hinges of the door and broke the flash. So you will have to wait till tomorrow morning for after the blizzard pics.

On an unrelated side note, Charlie was completely traumatized by his Christmas party's Santa Claus this morning and is still muttering "No sit in my lap! No sit in my lap!"


Amanda said...

uh oh, you broke the digital rebel? (can I have it?)

Abigail said...

Well the flash is broken in the 'up' position which is better than being broken in the 'down' position but still... its days are numbered. I just heard an ad for the new canon digital rebel (12 megapixels!) on sale for $595...