Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day #2 Of A Cruddy Weekend

Words that one does not want to be woken up with at 3:30am while staying at the hospital with one's infant daughter: "Hon, we have an emergency here!!" Turns out the upstairs toilet overflowed for reasons unknown and poured water onto the floor and came through the dining room ceiling where it reportedly was mostly soaked up by one of dad's oriental rugs (thanks Dad). So now in addition to dealing with a hospitalized baby we (and by 'we' I really mean Mike) are dealing with filing an insurance claim for a potentially water damaged ceiling and floor as well as a toilet which we are definitely not turning on until we have a plumber come out and look at it. Add to that a cranky and sleep deprived three year old and you have one helluva weekend! Thank god for Phil and Sue, who are babysitting said cranky and sleep deprived three year old while Mike takes care of the house and hopefully gets a nap.

The good news of the weekend is that Amelia's cultures have so far come back negative so it looks like we will be able to go home tomorrow. She also has not spiked a fever since 5am this morning so I am keeping my fingers crossed that she is on the mend!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

In The Hospital

So as some of you know, Amelia and I are in the hospital. I figured I would post updates here since, well, I am bored ;)

Amelia spiked a fever yesterday afternoon; because she is so young we had to bring her into the emergency room for a full work up; little babies and fevers sometimes do not mix well. So they had to do a urine culture, blood work and a lumbar puncture to make sure she didn't have any nasty bugs. The urine and blood work came back normal but the lumbar puncture came back that there were an abnormally high number of white blood cells in her cerebrospinal fluid (there really shouldn't be any, or a very low number) which could indicate that she has bacterial meningitis, which is basically the thing they are afraid of when very little babies spike fevers. So for right now we know nothing -- she could just have a virus brought home from Charlie's daycare for all we know -- but they need to treat her as if she has meningitis until they find out differently. So for right now she is on 2 different IV antibiotics and will remain so until her CSF has been cultured for 48 hours and we find out if anything is growing in there. We should have a preliminary report tomorrow (at the 24 hour mark) and I will update again then. If she does have meningitis she will be here on a 10 day course of IV antibiotics but the doctor assures us that if this is the case, we caught it so early that she will be perfectly fine :) Will update again tomorrow....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Proof Positive...

that Charlie has GREEN eyes!
(except well, they still look kind of gray in this picture but really they are GREEN! As in GREEN like mine, mwah ha ha ha ha...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekend Update

We had a fairly full Valentines/Presidents Day weekend; Saturday we took Charlie to Chuck E Cheese where he probably had more fun putting tokens in machines than actually playing the games, and where Amelia slept the whole time as usual. Saturday night we got to get out for a much needed dinner for two while Phil, Sue, Andrew and Kyle came over and babysat. Charlie was so involved with his cousins that he barely noticed when we left. I had 2 glasses of wine at dinner, which was the first time I have gotten to drink in I think almost a year.

Sunday was our usual basketball lessons and splash park. Charlie stayed in the gym the whole time this time, which definitely isn't to say he actually played basketball the whole time -- I peeked in at one point to see him lying sprawled on the floor -- but his teacher said this was his best lesson yet!

Today Mike & Charlie had off for Presidents Day so we went up to NH to visit Grammy & Grampy Robinson and to introduce Amelia to Aunt Joyce and Uncle Gordon. Here are some pictures:

Monday, February 8, 2010


Just figured I'd do a weekend update (ok yes I realize it is not the weekend anymore) as we had a fairly successful weekend.

Friday was Amelia's one month checkup (albeit a bit early as she isn't actually a month old till this wednesday.) I am happy to report she is already 10 lbs 5 oz and has grown an inch and a half to 22 1/2 inches, since birth. Hard to believe she has gained 2 lbs since I brought her home! Baby likes the boob juice :) After her check up Mike and I enjoyed a quiet lunch at Cheesecake Factory, Amelia still being of the age where she just sleeps in her carseat and is hardly noticeable during outtings.

Saturday we took Charlie to the Harvard Natural History museum for the third time; we hadn't been in about a year and they had a few new interesting exhibits, so it was interesting even for those of us who are not as captivated by taxidermy as Charlie is. Afterwards we went to lunch and picked up the dvd Disney's Earth
which kept Charlie captivated for the rest of the afternoon.

Sunday we had basketball lessons at the Weymouth club; this time I waited outside the basketball gym so as not to be as distracting for Charlie, and he did seem to participate more -- atleast, he only came out to see me 3 times all of which involved various injuries and all of which I am assuming he got actually playing basketball? Or maybe not. Afterwards we hung out at the splash park and then went to lunch. Thank god for the Weymouth club on wintery Sundays!

Not much going on this week -- Charlie has a Valentine's party at school on Friday for which I will be making chocolate cupcakes with pink icing and chocolate hearts (assuming I don't eat all the chocolate hearts before hand) and otherwise I am devoting the week to tackling our taxes and starting the Boob Juice Train; my goal is to have 350 oz of frozen breast milk before I go back to work... exciting stuff in the Robinson house I tell ya...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Basketball Lessons Take Two

Charlie's second basketball lesson on the whole went better than the first, in that he spent much more time on the gymnasium floor than he did at his first lesson. This, however, does not actually mean he was doing what he was supposed to be doing out on the gymnasium floor. I spent Charlie's lesson sitting within earshot but out of sight, so as to distract him as little as possible. Here is an excerpt from his lesson:
COACH: "Okay, now we're going to play a game. There are five of you and four basketballs -- you are all going to face the wall and then when I say 'go', turn around and run and try to get a basketball."
CHARLIE: "I don't want to play that game. I want to play the game where I'm a panther and I run and chase everyone!"
COACH: "Okay, you can be a panther, but we're all going to run and try to get the basketballs. Ready... go!"
(There is the pitter patter of little feet across the gymnasium.)
CHARLIE: "Awwwww! I didn't get a ball!"
COACH: "Well, maybe next time if you run on your feet instead of on all fours you'll get a ball..."