Saturday, February 27, 2010

In The Hospital

So as some of you know, Amelia and I are in the hospital. I figured I would post updates here since, well, I am bored ;)

Amelia spiked a fever yesterday afternoon; because she is so young we had to bring her into the emergency room for a full work up; little babies and fevers sometimes do not mix well. So they had to do a urine culture, blood work and a lumbar puncture to make sure she didn't have any nasty bugs. The urine and blood work came back normal but the lumbar puncture came back that there were an abnormally high number of white blood cells in her cerebrospinal fluid (there really shouldn't be any, or a very low number) which could indicate that she has bacterial meningitis, which is basically the thing they are afraid of when very little babies spike fevers. So for right now we know nothing -- she could just have a virus brought home from Charlie's daycare for all we know -- but they need to treat her as if she has meningitis until they find out differently. So for right now she is on 2 different IV antibiotics and will remain so until her CSF has been cultured for 48 hours and we find out if anything is growing in there. We should have a preliminary report tomorrow (at the 24 hour mark) and I will update again then. If she does have meningitis she will be here on a 10 day course of IV antibiotics but the doctor assures us that if this is the case, we caught it so early that she will be perfectly fine :) Will update again tomorrow....

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