Friday, March 12, 2010

Amelia's 2 Month Stats & Another House Update

Amelia had her two month check up this morning; she is officially growing like a weed, measuring in at 23 3/4 inches long and 13 lbs 5 oz which are both in the 90th - 95th percentile. She also had to get a bunch of shots which she did not enjoy at all and which caused her to spike a temp this afternoon and to be extremely ratty. But after some tylenol I did get some smiles out of her before bed.

The basement is coming along; they have officially been working for one week and have done all the framing, insulation and the subfloor, and will begin hanging the sheet rock for the walls tomorrow. They also gave us an estimate to do the repair work from the flood, which will include putting recessed lighting in the livingroom and diningroom so we finally have some light downstairs, after 6 years of having entirely inadequate lighting on the first floor. So you could say something good came out of the whole flooded toilet thing... Maybe...

1 comment:

Grandma said...

To have had the toilet flooding thing synchronized with the start of a major home improvement project sure was lucky! Very glad baby is smiling:)