Monday, October 4, 2010

9 Month Check Up

I took Amelia in for her 9 month check up today; she is 28 1/2 inches long and 19lbs 14 oz, which is 90th percentile for height and I couldn't tell you what percentile for weight because, to put it nicely, Charlie was rather demanding during the appointment. The pediatrician pronounced her right on target developmentally and was pleased with her eating -- she has now tried toast, waffles, macaroni and cheese, pasta, and bananas all fairly successfully, and loves her yogurt and a wide variety of baby food.

She had two shots, which she handled far better than Charlie, who was completely undone by having to get the flu vaccine in nasal mist form ("It's making my nose feel funny!")

We have to go back in a month to get Amelia's 2nd flu shot, and then not again until her 1 year check up!

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