Monday, October 18, 2010

The Sickies

My lack of blogging over the past week has been due to a bad case of sickies in the house -- Amelia was diagnosed with her first ear infection last wednesday and is steadily recovering on twice daily amoxicillin. Other than a slightly runny nose she is back to her chipper self. Charlie, on the other hand, was sent home from daycare on thursday with a fever and is still pretty much down for the count, with a continued fever and awful head cold to boot, he is a pretty miserable kiddo! He was supposed to have his first dentist appointment this afternoon but I canceled it and re-scheduled it for (oops!) the day after Halloween; good thinking on my part... We did manage to finally drop Amelia's passport application off at the post office this morning, with assurances from the clerk that we were doing so in plenty of time for our January trip.

Tomorrow we are back to the doctor if Charlie still has a fever, and if he is feeling better I am hoping to carve a pumpkin, inspired by Mandy's Jack O Lantern...

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