Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bathing Beauties

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

We arrived safely in Charlotte this afternoon in time for the Patriots game and relatively unscathed from the plane ride and going through airport security. Here are some pictures of Amelia's first Thanksgiving!
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Pulling Up

Amelia has started pulling up on furniture. As you can tell from the look on her face in this picture, there's no stopping her now!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Too Busy To Post Post

Sorry I have not updated in a while! Amelia is recovering from her third ear infection in 6 weeks and finally had a decent night of sleep last night (by which I mean she was only up twice.)

We are heading to Charlotte for Thanksgiving on Thursday and I can't wait!! Looking forward to watching the cousins play together, to a big turkey dinner, and to getting a chance to see the new Harry Potter movie with Mandy!

Charlie and Amelia are off for the whole week -- Charlie is enjoying his 11 "waffle days" before he has to go to school again and I am enjoying the fact that after 2 hellish days of work I have eight out of the next nine days off -- just have to work wednesday but otherwsie I am off till the following wednesday.

Tomorrow we have haircuts and packing to get ready for our trip.

If I don't post before we go, happy Thanksgiving everyone!! And I am packing the camera right now :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The First Step..

... is admitting you have a problem. But I don't have a problem -- I have MORE HAIR BOWS!!
Leopard Print:


Polka Dots:


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not Much Going On

Just a quick update to report that there is not much to report this week.

Amelia has been up all night for the past two nights but according to her pediatrician she doesn't have an ear infection. Here is to hoping she gets a better night's sleep tonight because Mommy definitely needs a better night's sleep!

I got a new cell phone over the weekend -- the samsung fascinate
which allows me to surf the internet, check email, go on Facebook and of course check my blog, all within moments. Oh and let's not forget play tetris. It also has a 5.0 megapixel camera, a big step up from the 2.0 megapixels that my old phone had. All the more excuse to take pictures of the kiddos:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


To make up for the lack of Halloween pictures I made sure Mike took several pictures at Charlie's first dentist appointment today. Still being sick, I stayed home with Amelia, but Mike gave the dentist's office two thumbs up. Charlie breezed through his first dentist appointment with no problem -- this from the kid who bawled his eyes out the last two times I took him for a haircut -- thanks to the kid friendly atmosphere, complete with arcade games in the waiting room.
Here he is in the waiting room playing Ms Pac Man:

And here he is relaxing in the dentist chair:

And since we rudely scheduled his dentist appointment for the day after Halloween we figured we'd keep up with the trend -- his next appointment is scheduled for the day after his 5th birthday party. Sorry kiddo!


There are, unfortunately, no pictures of the kids on Halloween, for a combination of reasons. First, I forgot my camera. This was not actually going to stop me because I was atleast going to take a couple pictures with my cell phone of the kids dressed up. But unfortunately, shortly after we got to Phil and Sue's I was stricken with a stomach bug. The one picture I did attempt to get of Amelia in her octopus costme was erased when I dropped my phone immediately afterwards to go vomit in Phil and Sue's toilet. (Sorry Phil and Sue..) Charlie did get to go trick or treating thanks to Aunt Sue and cousin Kyle, who took him out. And I am slowly recovering from my stomach bug. Better luck next year!