Monday, November 1, 2010


To make up for the lack of Halloween pictures I made sure Mike took several pictures at Charlie's first dentist appointment today. Still being sick, I stayed home with Amelia, but Mike gave the dentist's office two thumbs up. Charlie breezed through his first dentist appointment with no problem -- this from the kid who bawled his eyes out the last two times I took him for a haircut -- thanks to the kid friendly atmosphere, complete with arcade games in the waiting room.
Here he is in the waiting room playing Ms Pac Man:

And here he is relaxing in the dentist chair:

And since we rudely scheduled his dentist appointment for the day after Halloween we figured we'd keep up with the trend -- his next appointment is scheduled for the day after his 5th birthday party. Sorry kiddo!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

cute pic in the sunglasses ;) there's video games at ben's dentist too. makes getting him out of the waiting room and into the dentist chair a little difficult.