Sunday, November 20, 2011

Amelia's Bedtime Neuroses

It is beginning to dawn on me that Amelia's list of bedtime requirements has become nothing less than, well, neurotic. Here is a list of things that she must have before settling down to sleep:

Her purple bunny pillow pal must be positioned just so with a polka dot receiving blanket folded around it. If she doesn't like the folding job she will have you refold it again. And again.
She must have two books in her crib, usually "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and "Getting Dressed" - the aforementioned book needs to be positioned at the top right of her crib and the latter at the bottom of her crib.
She needs a pair of shoes by the top left of her pillow - surprisingly it does not matter what pair of shoes, as long as there is a pair of shoes there.
She needs not one but two sippys in her crib which need to be filled with fresh water every night. Under no circumstances will she let the filling of the sippys slide. Also under no circumstances can you take both sippys out of the crib at the same time to fill them. You MUST FILL THEM SEPARATELY which thanks to the location of her bedroom necessitates two trips up and down the stairs.
She also needs you to blow her nose about 164,000 times.
Once you have done all of these things you are almost there. There are just a few more little things she needs.
She needs the bathroom light on to keep the "scaries" away.
She needs her pink blanket positioned over her absolutely perfectly right, which may take between 5 and 10 tries. Even if it is very cold she will have no other blanket in her crib - all other blankets are "scary".
She needs to have her stuffed "Bun Bun", her obsession with Bun Bun could fill another blog post and woe to us if we ever lose her.

Once you have taken care of the above list, you should be good to go!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

that doesn't seem to bode well for the future ;)