Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mother Goose On The Loose

Yesterday I took Amelia to the first of a series of story hours that I signed up for at the Quincy Public Library, specifically for kids aged 18 to 24 months. Amelia became a living barnacle the minute we walked into the room and stayed in my lap/ in my arms pulling the I-am ridiculously- shy act the whole time, but nevertheless did seem to enjoy herself. The theme of the story hour was "Owls"; we read two cute owl stories and sang songs about owls, complete with owls puppets, stuffed owls, and various other props. The lady who ran it seemed utterly unfazed by the chaos of two dozen not quite two year olds, which I suppose is why she is able to do this for a living. All in all it was very cute, and I was happy to get out and do something just for Amelia - I am looking forward to next week's session, but thinking I will pre-medicate with ibuprofen first :)

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