Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Karate Kid

Having decided that Charlie isn't getting enough exercise, I signed him up at the Taekwon Do school down the street. This gives him unlimited access to the school for the next three months, as many private and group lessons as we want. His first lessons are next monday and tuesday afternoon; initially he will start with all private lessons until he knows enough to feel comfortable in the childrens' group lessons. Charlie, for his part, would like to know when does he "get to break boards and walk all over peoples' faces". I told him to ask his teacher next week...
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Sometimes They Like Each Other

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chowing Down At Wahlburgers

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Amelia's Two Year Check Up

Amelia's two year check up this morning went pretty much as I could have predicted: she started to scream bloody murder the minute she was asked to stand on the scale, to the extent that the doctor came out of his office and said please don't bother to get a height and weight on her. I had weighed her at my work about two weeks ago and she was 26 lbs so we took that as the weight (40th percentile) and that was pretty much as far as we got in the way of standardized measures. Amelia would not let the doctor come any closer to her than 4 feet, which in a small exam room basically meant he had to stand with his back against the far wall the whole time while she glared balefully at him. The doctor stated that while he wasn't actually able to assess any of the things he was supposed to assess on her two year well visit, she was clearly very smart and opinionated, and that while being smart and opinionated had a lot of advantages, I wouldn't be seeing them for a long time ;) When I got home I very unscientifically measured her at 33 inches tall, which I was being generous with, and unfortunately for her is the 25th percentile. That's my girl, short and stubborn :)

Aliens And Monsters

I remembered today why I don't usually take Charlie with me to the library. My only consolation with the above selection is that he pretty much wiped clean the alien/monster/unexplained disappearances section, so he'll have to move on to something else next time!
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Monday, January 23, 2012

Fair Weather Fan

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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Yesterday we got the first snow of the season that didn't melt by lunchtime -- about six inches of it -- so we took the kids sledding at the park down the street this afternoon. Despite the deer-in-headlights look Amelia did have fun, I swear!

Date Night

Last night Anthony babysat the kids and Mike and I went out to dinner at Zendo, an Asian fusion restaurant at the Hingham shipyard that had been recommended to me by a couple of friends. The food was good, and thanks to the first real snow of the season that fell during the day, it was relatively uncrowded and there was no wait. We enjoyed California rolls and spicy tuna rolls for an appetizer, which is something we hardly ever have now since we usually have the kids with us and the chance of even Charlie trying sushi is minimal.

For dessert we tried Red Mango, which is a serve yourself frozen yogurt chain that I had never been to. I was hoping that it would be good, but not as good as Pinkberry, but it was not good at all. The frozen yogurt was completely tasteless and the fruit toppings were in sorry shape after being pawed through by a days' worth of customers. Yuck! Pinkberry, I am sorry I cheated on you - I should have known better!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Conservationism According To Charlie

"If we killed all the animals the world wouldn't be a very exciting place. We need to SHARE the whales, not kill them!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tantrum Girl

7:10am: The first tantrum of the day. Amelia wants Charlie's swim goggles, Charlie won't give them to her. She stamps, shrieks, screams and flings a Scooby Doo action figure across the floor.

7:20am: Tantrum number two. I am in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes, so don't even know what this one is about, except that it ends with Amelia flinging herself at Charlie and biting him in the small of the back.

7:50am: Tantrum number three. Amelia wants to wear Charlie's crocs to the bus stop. Aside from them being about eight times too big for her, we had about an inch of snow last night. She screams, arches her back, falls on the floor dramatically when she is forced to wear her boots.

10:30am: Tantrum number four. It is time to leave the library and Amelia is sitting in a chair in the periodicals section with a book on oceanography (which arguably looks like it shouldn't even be in the children's library) in her lap. She throws a huge hissy fit when I make her leave the book behind: "I READING THAT BOOK! I READING THAT BOOK!" More kicking, screaming and flailing.

12:15pm: Tantrum number five: We are waiting for Charlie at the bus stop and Amelia has jumped in the same deep puddle about five times. I warn her that if she jumps in it again I will put her back in her stroller. She jumps. She carries on kicking and screaming while I put her back in her stroller. She is still screaming when Charlie gets off the bus. He looks at her warily. "What's wrong with my sister?"

12:35pm: Tantrum number six: We get to the bagel shop for lunch and Charlie really has to pee. He grabs the key to the mens room as I follow with Amelia. As soon as he goes into the bathroom and we stay out in the hall Amelia throws another screaming fit, apparently because a) she did not get to go into the men's room with Charlie and b) the back hallway is very echo-y and is a good place to listen to yourself scream.

12:50pm: Tantrum number seven: The bagel place is out of plain bagels. I get Amelia a honey wheat bagel instead, but this apparently is an unacceptable substitute; she refuses to take a single bite and hurls it across the table. When it becomes clear that she won't be getting anything else, she grudgingly takes it back and licks the cream cheese off.

1:40pm: Tantrum number eight: Amelia attempts a beeline for the street while I am unlocking the front door. I grab her and carry her in the house under my arm like a football while she screams "Get away! Get away!"

4:10pm: After a blessedly long nap it is time for tantrum number nine: I tell Amelia we are going to sit on the potty. She turns around, runs back upstairs to her room, flings herself on the floor and yells "NO I POOP IN MY DIAPER!"

4:40pm: Tantrum number ten: This one Charlie basically brings on on purpose, sitting down in my lap and then turning to look at Amelia, who predictably starts screaming "NO MY LAP! MY MOMMY'S LAP!!"

5:30pm Tantrum number eleven: Again brought on by Charlie, who stops in front of Amelia's DVD player and is blocking the screen. Amelia launches herself at him. "MY SCOOBY DOO!" More stamping feet and screaming.

6:30pm: Tantrum number twelve: Another one that I don't even know what it is about. I bring Amelia upstairs to brush teeth and get ready for bed. Next thing I know she is throwing a temper tantrum at herself in the mirror of my bedroom. She hits the mirror, screeches and then actually leans over and attempts to bite her own reflection.

6:45pm: BEDTIME!!
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Monday, January 16, 2012

M&Ms and Pull Ups

Mike and Charlie had off from school & work today so we had lunch at the mall and went to Target, where our list included the above mentioned items - let the potty training begin! Amelia has never once peed on her little princess potty but she is clearly ready - I just have the feeling her stubborn streak will be holding her up for a while. I literally had to bribe her with the M&Ms just to get her to put the pull ups on. I'll update on our progress (or lack thereof) soon!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bucket Filler

Charlie was selected as his class's Bucket Filler for the month of January. Every month each teacher selects one student from their class who is thoughtful, kind and considerate of their peers: whose words and actions fill the "invisible bucket" that we all carry around with us and that is emptied or filled each day by the actions of others. (Based on the book "How To Fill A Bucket" which is part of the curriculum in all of Quincy's elementary schools.) As a bucket filler Charlie gets his picture displayed in the lobby of the school, and all the bucket fillers get their own pizza party at the end of the year. Here is Charlie proudly holding his I Am A Bucket Filler pencil. Way to go Charlie!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Amelia!!

January 2010:

January 2012:

(I'm skeptical that it's the same baby too, but South Shore Hospital isn't owning up to anything and they do seem to have swapped her out with the right one somewhere along the way...)

Well We Made It To January 10th...

Without the white stuff... First snow!
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Monday, January 9, 2012

Birthday Video

As you can tell, Amelia is still traumatized by the birthday experience...

Birthday Party

We went over to Phil and Sue's yesterday afternoon for a combined 2nd birthday party for Amelia and 22nd birthday party for Dave. My attempt at a pudding filled giant cupcake for Amelia was an abysmal failure as it came apart on the car ride over to Sue's, but Amelia did not seem to notice one bit! Here are some pictures & video is coming up next...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ear Infections & Other Updates

This has been a busy week with everyone back to the usual work & school schedule after the holidays.

On Tuesday I took Amelia to the doctor because she was more crabby than usual and started holding her ear. She screamed and carried on the whole way to the dr's office yelling " I DON'T WANT TO GO TO DOCTOR!" and when we got there she pitched such a fit that the medical assistant could not get her weight or temperature ("I WANT TO GO HOME!") and the doctor was left muttering about needing a cup of coffee after he finally managed to look in her ears. He is probably extremely thankful that he is not the one who now has to chase her down twice a day for the next ten days and dose her with amoxycillin ("I DON'T WANT MEDICINE!!") for the ear infection that she did indeed have.

On Sunday we are jointly celebrating Amelia's 2nd birthday and cousin Dave's 22nd birthday at Phil & Sue's house; I can't believe my baby will be two years old on Tuesday! Pictures and video are sure to follow...

In other non news, Anthony is babysitting tomorrow night so that Mike and I can attempt to go to Wahlburgers for oh... The fourth time.... Rumor has it that it has slowed down quite a bit since the opening frenzy and that we might actually be able to get in the door this time...

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Charlie and I had a blast this morning at the Weymouth Club taking turns taking pictures using the underwater setting on my camera with the new water proof case that Mike got me for Christmas (Thanks Mike!!)

Robinson Christmas 2011

We had a nice time at Phil & Sue's last night celebrating a belated Christmas. Sue's sangria was delicious!! Here are some pictures from last night and some from this morning of Amelia feeding her babydoll breakfast in her new high chair and napping with her new pillow pals elephant...