Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Taekwon Do Update

Charlie started Taekwon Do last week with four private lessons at the end of which he was pronounced proficient enough to join in the children's group lessons this week. Charlie had his first group lesson yesterday, which he started rather nervously, but by the end he declared it to be "awesome". His second class was this afternoon, and I actually got to watch a little bit of it because let's just say Amelia wasn't being as demanding as she was yesterday. The class involved not only drills of punches and kicks but also sprints, push ups, sit ups and even army crawling across the floor, all of which Charlie participated in gleefully. At the end of the lesson he saw some of the other kids getting all padded up for the next class -- children's sparring -- and started whining about when was he going to be allowed to do that, at which point one of the teachers overheard him and told him maybe by next Tuesday they would let him try it. Which has Charlie extremely excited and me just a little bit nervous! Anothe update next week may be in order.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Army crawling, sprints, kicks- sounds like 5 year old heaven to me:)