Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Over The Hill

So yesterday I had my annual physical with my PCP. Assuming that it would be the quick and uncomplicated affair that it usually is, I brought Amelia along with me. Unfortunately, what I didn't factor in was that somewhere in between last year's check up and this year's check up I turned 35, which apparently is considered over the hill by my PCP and requires a much more extensive check up. This included an EKG, a million questions about my bowel habits, a referral for my first mammogram and also a referral to see a vascular surgeon about my varicose veins which apparently need to to be ligated. Somehow through all this (and blood work too!) Amelia was extremely well behaved, sitting in a chair in the exam room watching the proceedings with interest and jabbering away, although my doctor's eastern European accent was indecipherable to her - she kept telling the doctor, "I don't understand what you're saying!" Next year I will try to remember to schedule my annual physical for a time when I don't have any children with me...
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1 comment:

Amanda said...

hey I heard a story on NPR today about the debate over what age/how frequently a woman should start having regular mammograms, and nowhere in it did anyone suggest as early as 35!