Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Snakes On The Brain

Charlie woke up this morning with snakes on his mind, asking me why he has never seen a snake in our yard. I responded with my usual "Here in Quincy we don't have a whole lot of (...fill in the blank: snakes, coyotes, pirrhanas...)"

Then, after breakfast, we happened to be on the back porch when our neighbor, John, coincidentally called over to Charlie to tell him that he had seen not one but TWO snakes in our yard yesterday. At Charlie's insistence John told him exactly where to look to find them, at which point Charlie headed off with a stick and I headed back into the kitchen to make a pot of chilli.

Charlie came bounding in just a few minutes later to say he had indeed found a snake, "not its head but just its tail because it ran away so fast like Sonic the hedgehog!" This did seem to be an apt description but I only half believed him until this afternoon when we were walking home from taekwon do and he spotted the above pictured snake skin.

So the moral of the story is there ARE snakes in Quincy! Just as long as there are still no pirhannas...
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Grandma said...

And, uh, just what kind of snake is that?

Amanda said...

thats a snake skin? whew, i thought it was a picture of a mangled snake for a minute...

Abigail said...

A garter snake?