Friday, June 29, 2012


This has been a busy week!! Here are some random updates:

-- I started a new per diem job at another nursing home down the street, so that along with already having committed to some extra hours at my regular job around the July Fourth holiday week has me busy busy! I worked 13 hours today and am expecting another long day tomorrow.

-- We are getting closer to refinancing our mortgage; after being ridiculously delayed in underwriting because of a stupid form, we have passed that hurdle & the latest word is that we should be able to lock in a rate on Monday after reviewal by the credit committee.... Fingers crossed!

-- Charlie is testing for his green stripe on Sunday; his tests now requiring sparring in addition to his form and one steps. Break a leg Charlie!

-- My varicose vein procedure has finally been scheduled for July 23rd, hoping to only be laid up for a day or two.

That's about all the happenings this week I guess. It is finally summer & in the 90s so I am planning to take the kids to the beach on Monday when I finally have a day off. Hoping to be ambitious enough to take the camera too so I'll be able to post some pics!
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Monday, June 25, 2012

First Lost Tooth

Looks like the tooth fairy will be visiting the Robinson house for the first time tonight!
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Snake Catcher

Yes, this photo was accompanied by a call to Charlie's pediatrician about garter snake bites...
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Friday, June 22, 2012

Monkey Bread

So yummy and so easy to make!! Monkey bread, where have you been all my life??
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bedtime Trials

Amelia has reached a whole new level of obnoxiousness when it comes to bedtime this week. She has resorted to any and all of the following this week so far to avoid going to bed:

- Repeatedly stripping herself naked & throwing her pjs and diaper out of her crib, then yelling "I have no pants! I have no pants!"

- Laying in her crib with her sunglasses on while using a pez dispenser as a microphone and belting out Fresh Beat Band tunes at the top of her lungs for an hour and a half.

Tonight's tactic seemed to be to delay bedtime by being as obstinate as possible. She refused to say her goodnights to the boys, and had to be wrestled up the stairs. Then once in the bathroom she was even more obnoxious, turning off the water every time I would turn it on to brush her teeth, and she continued with her contrary self until she eventually went to sleep.

Sigh. I know Charlie was a terrible sleeper but I *swear* he wasn't like this!
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

One On One

Charlie played a little one on one with a nine year old at the playground this morning. If there is a height difference between these two it is negligible...
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Expert Climber

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Fathers Day Cake

By Charlie & Amelia (with just a little bit of help from Mom)
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Kindergarten Graduate

Today was Charlie's last day of kindergarten. His final report card was excellent - he scored "outstanding" in 14 of 18 "personal growth" categories (ie follows directions, listens attentively etc) with the remaining 4 areas being listed as "satisfactory". On the academic side they rate 24 areas on a numerical scale from 1 to 4 and Charlie scored 4s across the board. Way to go Charlie!! He also came home with a summer reading list as well as a packet of homework - a double sided page to be completed Monday through Friday every day of vacation, plus an assignment to write 2 things he did every single day. Good thing I didn't tell him he wasn't going to have homework, ha!

Last Day of School

Last day at the bus stop!
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Girls' Day

I took a personal day today for a much needed girls' day; after getting a pedicure this morning and stopping at Starbucks, I headed into town to meet Heather, where we did some window shopping at the Prudential Center before going to the The London Cafe on Newbury Street for high tea. Except for the weather (it poured all day!) it was a fun and relaxing day. Amelia, probably sensing that I had it far too easy today, made up for it in spades at bedtime, whining for about an hour and a half after I put her to bed and requiring about one hundred million trips up the stairs for blankie fixes, boo-boo kisses and the like.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Water Gun Fight

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Meet "Goggles"

Charlie's new pet bearded dragon.
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Sunglasses Girl

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Swim Lesson

Since I only worked til noon today I got to see Charlie's swim lesson. He is the youngest in his class by a good three years but he is holding his own! Here he is working on his back stroke. Good job, Charlie!
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Ahh Nothing Says Summer...

Like home made blackberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream!. 'Cuz the weather sure isn't saying its summer!
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Really? In June?

It is 51 and raining. Must be payback for those 90 degree days in April...
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Sunday, June 3, 2012

More Slimy Things

Here is Charlie proudly displaying the toad he caught in Grammy and Grampy's yard today.
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