Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bedtime Trials

Amelia has reached a whole new level of obnoxiousness when it comes to bedtime this week. She has resorted to any and all of the following this week so far to avoid going to bed:

- Repeatedly stripping herself naked & throwing her pjs and diaper out of her crib, then yelling "I have no pants! I have no pants!"

- Laying in her crib with her sunglasses on while using a pez dispenser as a microphone and belting out Fresh Beat Band tunes at the top of her lungs for an hour and a half.

Tonight's tactic seemed to be to delay bedtime by being as obstinate as possible. She refused to say her goodnights to the boys, and had to be wrestled up the stairs. Then once in the bathroom she was even more obnoxious, turning off the water every time I would turn it on to brush her teeth, and she continued with her contrary self until she eventually went to sleep.

Sigh. I know Charlie was a terrible sleeper but I *swear* he wasn't like this!
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1 comment:

Amanda said...

i would like a video of the sunglasses/pez dispenser thing next time!