Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chuck E Cheese

We braved the inclement weather and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese tonight; it was Charlie's request and since he was pretty much cooped up all week between me being sick and Mike working from home, we figured he deserved a night out.

Unfortunately we realized about an hour into the evening that a) 200 tokens was going to take a long time to get through and that b) the light snow outside had turned into a raging blizzard.

Fortunately Mike found a game for Charlie that ate tokens very rapidly and Charlie happily stayed there while Amelia rode a mechanical horse over and over that was considerably slower at eating tokens but nevertheless got the job done. We finally got the kids out of there after Charlie turned in all his hard earned tickets for what else-- a bunch of rubber lizards.

Halfway through the drive home the snow turned entirely to rain and once we got into Quincy there was no snow at all! The forecast is still for 5 to 9 inches overnight but I'm not busting out the sled just yet! I'll believe it when I see it.

Here's Charlie happily racking up tickets at his favorite game at Chuck E Cheese.

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