Monday, February 4, 2013

Packing And Tooth Aches

We are heading to sunny Costa Rica tomorrow so the day has been spent packing and crossing things off my "to do" list. One thing that I did not anticipate on my to do list was a trip to the dentist this morning; my tooth that I had a root canal on a year and a half ago suddenly started bothering me over the weekend.

The dentist was rather skeptical that this tooth could be bothering me, considering that the nerves were killed and it has a crown so it barely qualifies as a real tooth. He basically looked at it, x-rayed it and told me there was nothing wrong with it and that it definitely couldn't be heat sensitive because there's no nerve there anymore. Hmmmm could have fooled me... So having been assured that I actually don't have a tooth ache, I have stocked up on Motrin and am hoping the phantom pain doesn't get any worse during our trip...

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