Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2nd Report Card

Tonight was report card night at Charlie's school. Since it was also book fair night and a bake sale we all went & the kids picked out books and then played semi quietly while Mike and I met with Charlie's teacher. (I wisely didn't sugar them up at the bake sale until AFTER we finished the parent/teacher conference.)

Charlie's report card was very good; in the Personal Growth section (I.e behavior) he scored satisfactory or outstanding in all areas, some of the "outstandings" being in respecting the rights of others, respecting authority, working independently and completing classroom assignments. His teacher said that he is a classroom leader and gets along well with his classmates.

Academically they rate on a scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being not meeting standards and 4 being meeting or exceeding standards. Charlie scored 4s in Reading, Math, Social Studies & Science. and a 3 in Writing. His teacher commented on his extensive vocabulary and knowledge base, said that he frequently participates in classroom discussions and that he takes school very seriously. Good job Charlie!!

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