Saturday, March 16, 2013

She's Not Going To Live This One Down

I came home from work today and went upstairs to find Amelia watching TV in my room and eating chocolate covered raisins. When I walked in she promptly looked up and said, "Mommy, I put a chocolate raisin up my nose and now it's all gone. I can't find it any more!" She pointed repeatedly to her right nostril.

I stared at her. "You didn't really put a raisin up your nose did you?"

She made a halfhearted blowing attempt and tried to stick her finger up her nose. "I lost it in there!"

I ran down to the kitchen and retrieved Mike and a flashlight. We tipped her head back and stared up her nose. "I don't even... " Mike started, then: "Oh yeah, it's up there."

After several attempts to get her to blow it out failed miserably (she doesn't know how to blow her nose under the best of circumstances) I decided there really wasn't much else to do except take her to the ER, over Mike's protests that a chocolate covered raisin up the nose was probably the stupidest reason ever for an ER visit, and couldn't he just go at her with a pair of tweezers. Or some nasal spray.

I had Mike and Charlie drop us off so they could do the previously planned Target run, and walked up to the ER reception desk with Miss Raisin. "She stuck a chocolate covered raisin up her nose," I explained to the receptionist as I handed her my insurance card. She went into the back to photocopy it just as Amelia sneezed.


Then, "I have a raisin!!"

I had barely enough time to process the fact that Amelia was holding out a snot covered chocolate raisin before she popped it into her mouth and ate it.

I stared at her now chocolate-snot covered face. "Oh my god, why did you just eat that?" Was the only thing I could manage to say.

"I was hungry!"

I looked up as the receptionist came back. "She sneezed it out and ate it! We just saved a $100 co-pay!"

The receptionist laughed. I hope for her sake that we were the strangest thing she had to deal with today.

And Amelia, I hate to tell you this, but your future boyfriends will be hearing about this one....

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Can you illustrate and publish? Dad and I laughed till we cried.