Thursday, May 16, 2013

Insurance Salesman

The other day while doing homework Charlie asked me, "Mom, how much do you pay for your homeowner's insurance?"

To which I responded, naturally, "Umm, err, what?"

Charlie repeated, "Your homeowners insurance -- how much do you pay?"

"I don't know, it's bundled in with our mortgage," I finally answered, " and why are you asking me this? I am pretty sure you don't know what homeowners insurance or a mortgage is!"

Charlie replied smoothly, "You should call Met Life. Their homeowners insurance is only 50 cents a day. " 

About here is where I realized that Charlie has been watching way too much tv. Or at the very least, paying way too much attention to the commercials. 

"So are you going to call them?"


Amanda said...

Ben has asked me about this also. I don't know what it is about insurance commercials that children find so persuasive ;)

Abigail said...

I think it's Snoopy :-) Doesn't he and the Peanuts gang do the Met Life commercials? That just occurred to me LOL