Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Grade Graduate!

Here he is getting off the bus this afternoon. What a long school year this year thanks to all those snow days! Charlie is excited for 2nd grade because his best friend, Doshyant, will be in his new class (the ONLY kid from his current class who will be in next year's class) and because his classroom will be on the 2nd floor, which apparently means lockers instead of a coat room, which Charlie thinks is extremely cool. He came home with a good report card -- On a 1 to 4 scale he got 4s in Reading, Oral Language, Math, Social Studies and Science, and a 3 in Written Language/Composition. He also scored almost all "outstandings" in the personal growth categories, including using time wisely, working independently, completing classroom assignments, courtesy, etc and his teacher wrote that he was a joy to have in class. Way to go Charlie! 

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