Friday, June 28, 2013


To put it bluntly, Amelia is in a stealing things phase. 

Last weekend I went to put something in my purse and discovered my wallet was missing. Immediately suspecting her because, well, she steals things, I asked her if she took it. After tears and several denials she finally produced the wallet --empty of cash-- from under her bed. After more tears she produced all of the money except for one dollar that I have yet to find.

This afternoon when the fingernail clippers went missing she produced them from under her dresser. On a whim I went upstairs and peered under her bed, where I found half a dozen of Charlie's toys and some random pairs of my shoes. She is beginning to remind me of Mandy's pet ferret, who had secret nests around the house where he stashed shiny objects... 

When I put her to bed I asked her if she had anything else in her room that did not belong to her. She claimed no, but I am doubtful that this is true, especially considering that I forgot to check under her dresser to see what else might have been under there besides the fingernail clippers.

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