Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Zombie Infested 5K

Erin and I completed Run For Your Lives! The Zombie Infested 5k at Haunted Acres in Candia NH today. 

The way the race goes is that the runners are each given a belt with 3 flags attached to it and the zombies try to get the flags -- if you make it through the race with one or more flags left you're a "survivor" and if you make it through with no flags you're "infected". According to the race organizers only 10% of people make it through as survivors, and I definitely believe that statistic. 

Erin and I both made it past mile number 2 each with one flag left but then Erin lost her flag in a horde of zombies that she for some reason decided to run headlong into. (Our usual strategy being wait till the burly guys running behind us caught up and ran through, then follow in their wake.)

I lost my last flag at the start of the last leg of the race, when I had to climb over a zombie guarded fence into a field -- I discovered that climbing a fence while trying to ward off a zombie is difficult to do! If I hadn't lost my flag then I definitely would have lost it shortly after though; the last leg of the race involved running through a field that was swarming with zombies, having to crawl under an 18 wheeler that had zombies hiding in the wheels, a "blood bath" to wade through  and an electric fence that we decided to go around rather than crawl under after Erin got zapped by it. 

The only two people that were running in our vicinity and made it through with a flag intact cheated -- a girl had her flags rolled up and stuffed in her pants despite the very clear rule that the flags had to be clearly visible; and a guy (coincidentally her boyfriend) actually picked flags out of a trash can at one of the water stations. 

Charlie was rather disappointed that my race medal says "infected" on it, and Amelia, upon seeing my commemorative zombie run T-shirt said, "Is that your loser shirt?" But we had a great time nevertheless! Here are a few pictures:
*FYI we look clean because the had outdoor showers after the race, not because we didn't get covered with mud :-)

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