Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Trying To Get Back In The Swing Of Things

After the holidays and an exceedingly long winter break thanks to 2 well placed snow days, we are desperately trying to get back into the swing of things, with some New Years resolutions to boot! 

I have started back on a healthy diet after eating absolute crap for the last six weeks, which means taking the time to prepare and pack lunches for work instead of buying it there.

We finally got back to the gym last night after a long absence -- I, at least, hadn't been since the first week of December. I ran 3 miles and did about 300 crunches and now I ache from head to toe. Talk about out of shape!

Mike has been on a house cleaning/rearranging kick so not only has he much improved the living room, but he threw out the futon in Charlie's room giving him tons more space. We also bought a card table and chairs for the living room with the idea of forcing a game night on the children once a week. 

This week I also stupidly decided to see what would happen if I didn't put Amelia in a pull up the night before last (she had been dry the night before) and so of course she wet the bed. Then last night I put her back in a pull up and she did the sleep-peeing thing again where she somehow pulled her pants down and peed all over the bed in the middle of the night, which she did a couple months ago. Dry pull up, wet everything else. So I've now been up changing her sheets at 1am TWICE in a row and am hoping for a quiet night tonight. 

Friday is Amelia's birthday so in addition to the usual chaos I have birthday cupcakes to bake tomorrow night , and we are going out to dinner Friday night to celebrate. Her party isn't until the 19th -- a mermaid themed party at the Weymouth club's indoor splash park -- so at least I have another week to get ready for that. (Phew!)

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