Friday, February 28, 2014

This Week's Random Amelia quotes

If you want to know where she comes up with this stuff, your guess is as good as mine...

Amelia: "I want to move to Africa. "
Me: "Why...?"
Amelia: "Because it's hot all the time there, and because we'd be rich!"

Amelia: "Do you have a diploma?"
Me:  "Umm...Yes...?"
Amelia: "Can I borrow it?"
Me: "Umm... What are you planning on doing with it?"
Amelia: "I'm going to get a job!"

Amelia: "Is this the last day of February?"
Me: "Yes, why?"
Amelia:"So tomorrow it'll be springtime?"
Me: "Umm not for a few weeks..."
Amelia: "But I at least won't have to wear mittens anymore?"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Busy Week With No End In Sight...

(Aka why I am a delinquent blogger.)

We started the week with the 2nd of two realtors' appraisals, which meant a morning spent frantically cleaning the house and threatening the kids with doom if they messed it up. With the current plan being to put the house on the market April 1st in a bid to move to Charlotte, I sense many days of frantically cleaning ahead. 

Charlie is testing for his red stripe in Taekwon do on Sunday so we are at the Taekwon do studio " cramming" as we speak. We were here yesterday and we will be here tomorrow as well.

Yesterday in addition to a busy 10 hour work day and two hours of Taekwon do we dutifully had to show up at "McTeachers Night" at our local McDonalds to benefit Charlie's school.  While it was slightly amusing to watch Charlie's principal struggle to man the drive through, I am thinking there must be an easier way for them to raise money! We super sized everything to give ourselves clogged arteries and Charlie 's school all of $3! (10% of all orders went to his school to raise money for their technology center. )

In addition to being busy, the weather is cruddy with February being ushered out with one last snow shall as we speak -- Ugh!!

Hopefully March will bring better weather - I have a 1/2 marathon steadily approaching that I need to start training for!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

4 Year Check Up

Amelia had a combined pre-op and four year well visit this morning at the pediatrician. She checked in at 40 and. 3/4 inches tall (66th percentile) and 35.4 lbs (47th percentile. ) I decided to be nice and push off the 2 remaining shots she has until next year, since she doesn't actually have to have them till she goes to kindergarten and since she is going under anaesthesia in 2 weeks I felt bad and didn't want to torture her with shots today. 

The doctor attempted a vision test on her, which Amelia failed miserably but her doctor said she was still young for it and we'd just try it again next year. Although personally I think she'd look awfully darn cute with glasses :-P

Otherwise everything checked out great and the doctor pronounced her as "adorable" which we all knew anyway :-P

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What The Zoo Looks Like In February

Cold. And snowy. With a lot of animals that must have been wondering where they took that wrong turn...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

An idea that is better in theory than in practice. You substitute applesauce for eggs and then you can have as much raw cookie dough as you want! And this is supposed to be a good thing... Right??

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Belated Valentine's Day

Deb babysat this evening so that Mike and I could get out for a belated Valentines Day date, which involved going to the Apple store to buy a MacBook Air for me, which probably means that we have every device that apple makes except maybe the Apple TV, hmmmm... 

After that we enjoyed some red wine and Brazilian barbecue (aka lots of red meat, yum!)

Here is a pic of my new laptop:
I tried to take a pic of dinner too but the restaurant was so dark the pics didn't come out... 

I have been working the past 5 days straight and am working tomorrow too, but then have 6 of the next 8 days off after that, which I'm looking forward to!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Cupcakes

Half of the two dozen cupcakes I had to bake this afternoon for Amelia's Valentine's party tomorrow. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend Update

(AKA not much going on. )

We had a quiet weekend this weekend -- I worked all day yesterday and 6 hours today so Mike took the kids to see the Lego movie yesterday. This marks the first movie that Charlie has actually ASKED to go see, instead of the usual us dragging him kicking and screaming to a movie. I am hopeful that this marks the beginning of a new era in which he actually WANTS to see movies (which is a novel concept I know...)

This afternoon we took the kids swimming at the Weymouth club and then to Pinkberry, followed by Indian takeout. As we were trudging through the snow covered parking lot into the Weymouth club, Amelia asked "Are we swimming in the inside pool or the outside pool today??" Apparently the two feet of snow on the ground wasn't a tip off. 

In preparation for New Recipe Monday wherein I try a New Recipe for dinner, I have a 10lb pork shoulder cooking in the crockpot overnight. Yes, I have an industrial crock pot that can accommodate a 10lb pork shoulder. Anyway, I rubbed it in salt, pepper, chilli powder, cumin, brown sugar and cinnamon and am crocking it in a cup of chicken stock in the hopes of having a large quantity of pulled pork for tomorrow night's recipe which involves shredded pork, noodles and large quantities of garlic. I actually have really almost entirely forgot what the recipe was because the task of acquiring the pulled pork for it has proved to be so daunting. But I'll be sure to blog about how it comes out ;-)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Eyelash Extensions

Because you should try everything at least once, right?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another Foot Of Snow...

... Means snow day #4 of the season. I can see the school year extending out in front of me before my very eyes...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dancing Before Dance Class

Know It All

Amelia: "I know what 'dehydrated' means."
Me: "What does it mean?"
Amelia: "It means you need to drink a lot of water."
Me: "You're right, how'd you know that?"
Amelia: "Because I'm smart and I already know everything about everything!"
Me: "Awesome, can't wait till you're a teenager..."