Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend Update

(AKA not much going on. )

We had a quiet weekend this weekend -- I worked all day yesterday and 6 hours today so Mike took the kids to see the Lego movie yesterday. This marks the first movie that Charlie has actually ASKED to go see, instead of the usual us dragging him kicking and screaming to a movie. I am hopeful that this marks the beginning of a new era in which he actually WANTS to see movies (which is a novel concept I know...)

This afternoon we took the kids swimming at the Weymouth club and then to Pinkberry, followed by Indian takeout. As we were trudging through the snow covered parking lot into the Weymouth club, Amelia asked "Are we swimming in the inside pool or the outside pool today??" Apparently the two feet of snow on the ground wasn't a tip off. 

In preparation for New Recipe Monday wherein I try a New Recipe for dinner, I have a 10lb pork shoulder cooking in the crockpot overnight. Yes, I have an industrial crock pot that can accommodate a 10lb pork shoulder. Anyway, I rubbed it in salt, pepper, chilli powder, cumin, brown sugar and cinnamon and am crocking it in a cup of chicken stock in the hopes of having a large quantity of pulled pork for tomorrow night's recipe which involves shredded pork, noodles and large quantities of garlic. I actually have really almost entirely forgot what the recipe was because the task of acquiring the pulled pork for it has proved to be so daunting. But I'll be sure to blog about how it comes out ;-)

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