Monday, February 24, 2014

4 Year Check Up

Amelia had a combined pre-op and four year well visit this morning at the pediatrician. She checked in at 40 and. 3/4 inches tall (66th percentile) and 35.4 lbs (47th percentile. ) I decided to be nice and push off the 2 remaining shots she has until next year, since she doesn't actually have to have them till she goes to kindergarten and since she is going under anaesthesia in 2 weeks I felt bad and didn't want to torture her with shots today. 

The doctor attempted a vision test on her, which Amelia failed miserably but her doctor said she was still young for it and we'd just try it again next year. Although personally I think she'd look awfully darn cute with glasses :-P

Otherwise everything checked out great and the doctor pronounced her as "adorable" which we all knew anyway :-P

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