Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Update

Other than going out to dinner Saturday night and the boys going out to watch the football game yesterday afternoon, we had a very quiet weekend. 

Amelia had stomach cramps and nausea all day Saturday and then stomach cramps and diarrhea all day Sunday so it looks like we didn't escape the stomach bug after all. So I kept her quiet for the weekend and cleaned and did lots of loads of laundry in an attempt to keep the germs at bay. 

Charlie played so much kick ball in the cul de sac over the weekend that he was literally limping and had bloody toes this morning, no joke. (But where was he again this afternoon after school? You guessed it. )

I had emailed Charlie's teacher Friday night to inquire as to how he has been doing so far in school and she emailed me back last night, saying that he is a very conscientious student, that he seems happy and well adjusted, and that based on the assessments they have done so far he seems well prepared for third grade. And speaking of assessments, he has his literacy BOG (Beginning of Grade test) on Thursday --  the standardized tests at Elizabeth Lane seem never ending. 

Today was Mike's official birthday, but it being a Monday and all we didn't do much in the way of celebrating (ok we didn't do anything.) He had an interview this morning which he should hear back about by Wednesday, so we are still hoping that his real birthday present will be a job!

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