Friday, October 10, 2014

End Of Week Update

Mike survived his first full week of commuting to work full time since MAY and is liking his new job so far, yay!

Amelia was up most of the night with an ear ache last night so I took her to the doctor this afternoon (we finally have insurance yay!) and she does indeed have an ear infection so it's amoxicillin for her twice a day for 10 days. 

Charlie managed to squeak his Math grade up from a 92 to a 93 over the past 2 weeks and with his other grades holding steady that means he has straight As with 2 weeks to go in the marking period. Way to go Charlie! Next hurdle? A science test on Tuesday for which he has to know the 6 steps of the Scientific Method in order, as well as be able to define "independent variable" "dependent variable" and "control group." Oy. 

Tomorrow I am getting my hair done and Sunday  we are having family portraits taken for the first time EVER!!

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