Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a fun and too short weekend!

Friday night we took the kids to Smashburger for dinner and to see the movie "Home", an animated movie about a little alien that both kids have been wanting to see for months, after seeing previews of it. 

Saturday was a pedicure, grocery shopping and the annual Beverly Crest Easter Egg hunt, and today was spent doing laundry, getting in gear for the work week, and my above mentioned run & baking endeavors. 

In other news, Mike officially starts his new job tomorrow, I have off on Friday (which is the first day of Spring Break), third quarter closes Tuesday -- pretty sure Charlie managed straight As again? -- and Kindergarten orientation is coming up in two weeks! Also coming up on April 11th is my half marathon which Grandma & Grandpa are coming up for, yay! 

Looks Like We're In The Clear....

70s and 80s from here on out! Woo hoo!!

Peach Cobbler & A 10 Mile Run

This time I was smart enough to run *before* I made the cobbler ;-) 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter, for some reason, is Amelia's favorite holiday. So she was very excited to get in the spirit at the annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt at the clubhouse, despite the chilly weather today. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mid Week Update

In the Robinson news this week:
--Mike landed the job at Wells Fargo and starts next Wednesday -- woo hoo!

--I've stepped up the running game and comitted myself to running 20 miles a week until the 1/2 marathon next month.

--We're looking forward to the first weekend in a month that does not involve a birthday party, phew! It does, however, involve more 70 degree weather!

--Speaking of birthday parties we booked Charlie's 9th birthday party at Sky High, a trampoline park, for Sunday May 3rd. 

And yeah I guess that's all the news I got ;-)  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Can Safely Say

This was our first 80+ degree St Patrick's Day. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Freakishly Clean

(But definitely pissed at us.)

After a winter of rolling around in our muddy backyard and a week of taking dips in the lake, Rebecca desperately needed to be groomed!

Here she is, freakishly clean but definitely not happy with us!

Southern Sunday

Today involved home made pulled pork and cole slaw sandwhiches and s'mores over the fire pit with cousins:
It also involved baking a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, but no pictures of that yet since it has to set in the fridge over night...

We're looking forward to some 80 degree weather over the next couple days and keeping our fingers crossed for Mike's 2nd interview with Wells Fargo tomorrow!

Water Wars

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Dip In The Lake

Mike bought Rebecca a retractable leash so she could go swimming with Clara in the lake and let's just say she took advantage of it! She definitely seems to like the water! But she would only go in if Clara went in first ;-)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Doggy Therapy

I have been taking Rebecca for walks every day that it's nice out and yesterday decided it was time to re-introduce Rebecca to her doggy cousin Clara and go for a walk to the lake with her. (The first time Rebecca and Clara met it did not go so well, culminating in Rebecca pooping on Mandy's front porch lol.)

So yesterday it went so much better, with Rebecca actually seeming to enjoy herself for at least parts of the walk lol. 

Today we took them out again and Rebecca actually wagged her tail FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER when she saw Clara, and then again at the lake every time Clara would jump in the water Rebecca would wag her tail. (She definitely wanted to jump in but her leash was too short for such antics.) 

When we got home we let them in Mandy's back yard for a little bit and Rebecca actually ran around a little bit and did some more tail wagging!!

Here she is at the lake with me:

Warm Weather

72 and sunny today! The girls were super excited for the warm weather and everyone spent lots of time outdoors! Mental note to self: sunscreen!! Amelia's face got sunburned and my shoulders got sunburned during my 8 mile run this morning! Who knew you needed sunscreen in March??

Here are the girls in their sun dresses (yes I know Amelia's is too short but she has shorts on underneath ;-))

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tummy Bug

Amelia was down for the count today with the tummy bug that seems to be going around. She threw up first thing this morning, miraculously managing to make it to the toilet. ("You threw up in the toilet?! I'm so proud of you!!") 

She spent the day on the couch and although she hasn't thrown up again has been complaining of a tummy ache all day and managed to eat only a few bites of buttered toast and Gatorade today. Hoping she feels better for our nice weather tomorrow!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Low Key Weekend

We had a low key weekend this weekend; just the usual grocery shopping on Saturday and Amelia had a birthday party on Sunday (the first of three in a row that she has coming up.) I did a laborious 7 mile run on Sunday as well and cooked Peruvian chicken and pumpkin custard. 

Here's hoping the week brings some job interviews for Mike in addition to the rumored 75 degree day we're supposed to have on Wednesday...