Sunday, March 8, 2015

Doggy Therapy

I have been taking Rebecca for walks every day that it's nice out and yesterday decided it was time to re-introduce Rebecca to her doggy cousin Clara and go for a walk to the lake with her. (The first time Rebecca and Clara met it did not go so well, culminating in Rebecca pooping on Mandy's front porch lol.)

So yesterday it went so much better, with Rebecca actually seeming to enjoy herself for at least parts of the walk lol. 

Today we took them out again and Rebecca actually wagged her tail FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER when she saw Clara, and then again at the lake every time Clara would jump in the water Rebecca would wag her tail. (She definitely wanted to jump in but her leash was too short for such antics.) 

When we got home we let them in Mandy's back yard for a little bit and Rebecca actually ran around a little bit and did some more tail wagging!!

Here she is at the lake with me:

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