Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a fun and too short weekend!

Friday night we took the kids to Smashburger for dinner and to see the movie "Home", an animated movie about a little alien that both kids have been wanting to see for months, after seeing previews of it. 

Saturday was a pedicure, grocery shopping and the annual Beverly Crest Easter Egg hunt, and today was spent doing laundry, getting in gear for the work week, and my above mentioned run & baking endeavors. 

In other news, Mike officially starts his new job tomorrow, I have off on Friday (which is the first day of Spring Break), third quarter closes Tuesday -- pretty sure Charlie managed straight As again? -- and Kindergarten orientation is coming up in two weeks! Also coming up on April 11th is my half marathon which Grandma & Grandpa are coming up for, yay! 

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