Sunday, June 28, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Our weekend was busy and went by way too fast! We had lots of errands to run, including a trip to Barnes & Noble to get some summer reading books for Charlie, WalMart to get some July 4th supplies, and our usual every other weekend Costco trip. 

Saturday night I went out with Matt and Heather to see Jurassic World, and today  involved laundry, the pool, a blueberry peach cobbler and 5 mile run in there somewhere...

Tomorrow morning Mike is interviewing with the Coca Cola Bottling Co here in South Park -- the job involves a lot more money and a shorter commute so we're keeping our fingers crossed!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

And The Puppy Keeps Growing!

What a difference 2 months makes!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rained Out Pool Party

The kids' end of season swim team party was a wash this evening -- it started thundering right as we arrived so we didn't even get any time in the pool at all :-( After the awards ceremony we grabbed food and had to hightail it into the clubhouse to avoid the rain. Needless to say we only stayed about an hour! 

Here are the kids using their Beverly Crest Sharks towels to keep dry from the rain while holding up their certificates. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

First Day Of Summer Camp

The kids were thrilled to get back to summer camp at Camp KC today! They were greeted with hugs and kisses by Ms Laurie, who is the Beverly Crest camp counselor for the umpteenth year in a row. This is Arcade Week, where the kids build arcade games from boxes and various recycled material. The kids talked up a storm through dinner about their project and are excited for the week ahead!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Lemonade Stand

Amelia spent the afternoon manning a lemonade stand with her cousin and neighbors Gray and Jack. Despite the 97 degree heat the kids stayed out there for quite a while, and were very aggressive with their lemonade selling tactics, yelling at passing cars to stop and chasing down pedestrians ;-) At the end of the afternoon Amelia informed me that they made "thousands of dollars." Judging by the pile of coins that was her share, I'm guessing this to be a little bit of an exaggeration. 

Anniversary #12

We celebrated anniversary #12 by going to see the Broadway production of Dirty Dancing at the Belk Theatre. A shout out to Heather and Matt for babysitting!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Harbor Town

We took the kids to explore Harbor Town this morning and took a few pictures. 

Hibachi Steak & Cake

To celebrate Ben's Eleventh Birthday!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday Date Night

It was our turn to go out to dinner tonight sans kids -- doesn't get much better than moonshine in mason jars!

Girls Day

The girl cousins hung out today and got to go to lunch, for ice cream, and to the toy store. Not too shabby!

Don't Feed The Alligators

(But he's hoping.)

Fishing Trip

The boys (minus Joel) went on a fishing trip today. Despite Ben getting seasick they all had a good time and caught three fish. They also were followed home by a dolphin! Good job getting pictures, boys!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

More Fun In The Sun And Sand

(And also some lunch, shopping, and a bike ride for ice cream thrown in.)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Beach Day #2

More fun in the sun and sand today!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Beach Day #1

After 4 hours at the beach this morning, a few hours at the pool this afternoon and a bike ride after dinner we've got some tired kids!! 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Made It To The Beach!

And summer vacation begins!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Away Meet

The kids had their last swim meet of the season tonight because we'll be in Hilton Head for the remaining three meets and okay yes there's one that was rescheduled for the 22nd that technically we could go to, but with it being an away meet the first day of summer camp/work after being away on vacation, I just don't think it's going to happen. 

The kids all did their best, despite competing in a pool that uses starting blocks, which they were not familiar with. Amelia won her heat but full disclosure -- there was only one other girl in it lol ;-)