Thursday, June 4, 2015

First Swim Meet Of The Season

The first swim meet of the season was slightly on the overwhelming and chaotic side but nonetheless turned out to be pretty fun! Mandy and I navigated our way through figuring out what events/heats/lanes our kids were in and writing them on their arms. We wrestled them into swim caps and goggles and staffed the concession stand for the second half of the meet. 

The kids seemed to have fun and enjoyed cheering each other on. Charlie swam in freestyle and back stroke and managed to hit his head on the wall when he finished freestyle-- that's my boy! Amelia came in dead last by a long margin in the 6 & Under 25M Freestyle aka Doggie Paddle Across the Pool event, but she was very happy with the "I Did My Best" ribbon that she was presented -- that's my girl!

Rebecca won her heat in the girls' 7-8 freestyle and finished respectably in the breast stroke; definitely the swimmer of the bunch ;-)

Here are some pictures:

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