Monday, August 10, 2015

BC Running Club

Last week when I was out doing one of my 5:30am runs I ran into (literally) the Beverly Crest running club. "Hey--!" One of the guys called out, "why aren't you running with us?!" 

So now I am running with them, 5:30 am on Monday and Wednesday mornings. They have generally been running 5 miles but since most are going to do Thunder Road (but the half marathon, apparently I am the only one crazy enough to do the full) they are going to have to start training up, which is good because I can't just do 5 mile runs forever. 

Anyway, it was fun running with them this morning and running with a group always makes me run faster, which I suppose makes up for the fact that I dragged myself out of bed at 5:15 this morning and had run 5 miles, biked 3 miles and walked a 1/2 mile to drop the kids off at summer camp before I even arrived at work this morning...

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I am awe struck. You rock!