Sunday, October 11, 2015

Another Busy Weekend

And it's Sunday night again, the end to another busy weekend!

Friday night we went to Family Fun Night at the kids' school which involved pizza and Bingo followed by a trip to the school book fair. Afterward we went to Target to get a birthday present for Amelia to bring to a birthday party on Saturday. We ended up getting Charlie a much needed new bike while we wee there -- so much for the quick inexpensive trip we had planned. 

Saturday involved football and the aforementioned birthday party. When we pulled up to her classmate's million dollar house (I looked it up on Zillow) Amelia piped up, "Wow, I didn't know Siena was rich!" As long as she doesn't say that to her at school tomorrow morning...

While Amelia was at the birthday party the rest of us went to lunch and did the Costco shopping. 

Today involved a 17 mile run and putting up Halloween decorations after which we met Heather and Matt out at Buffalo Wild Wings for the first half of the Patriots game (half a football game is all the kids can manage before they start getting whiny.) 

Then home for baths, bedtime and the start of another work week!

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