Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back To The Future

We took the kids to see Back To The Future tonight, as it was in the theaters tonight for one night only, as today -- 10/21/15 -- is the date that Marty travels to from 1985 in Back To The Future II. They were showing the whole trilogy and I was hoping the kids would last to see some of the 2nd movie but Amelia was thoroughly cooked after the first movie, and needed to go to bed. 

It was still super fun to see the first movie on the big screen again, though, as it was one of the few movies I remember seeing in the theater as a kid, and I was exactly Charlie's age when it came out (eek!) Charlie, for his part, thoroughly enjoyed it and Amelia was thoroughly stressed out by the end when Doc is trying to reconnect the wires up on the clock tower to send Marty home, which is funny because I remember also being thoroughly stressed out by that scene as a kid too ;-)

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