Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bottomless Pit

What Charlie ate today:
  • 8 mini waffles
  • 1 bowl of honey nut cheerios
  • 1/2 of a sausage and cheese bagel sandwhich
  • 1 box of yogurt raisins
  • 1 mac 'n cheese with franks microwave bowl
  • 1 container of applesauce
  • 1 generous helping of Grampy's chicken pot pie
  • 1 king sized kit-kat bar courtesy of Uncle Tom
  • 1 brownie cupcake
  • 8 chicken nuggets

Based on his cousin Ben, he is stocking up for the lean years ahead where he won't eat anything.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yes exactly, here is what cousin Ben ate today:

1/3 donut
2 yogurts
1 small bite of grilled turkey & cheese sandwich
handful of cheetos
3 cheese quesadilla wedges
2/3 brownie