Monday, September 8, 2008

Whole New Worlds of "Mine!"

Now that Charlie's vocabulary is expanding, he is taking the concept of "mine!" to whole new levels. I never realized how many different ways "mine!" could be said and expounded upon.
Charlie started bright and early this morning -- the first thing he said to me when I got him out of his crib was: "It's my firetruck! It's not yours -- it's mine!" while clutching said firetruck to his chest. Since it was a school day, I reminded him that he was going to school today and that he needed to share. To this he replied: "I share Theo. I share James. But it's mine." Well, I thought, atleast he said he would share -- maybe I won half the battle?
Until we got to Dunkin Donuts and Charlie started yelling to the man who happened to follow Mike into the store: "MY DONUTS! NOT YOURS! GET YOUR OWN DONUT!!"
Yeah we have a long way to go...

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