Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mistaken Identity

PATIENT'S DAUGHTER: "Hi -- It's Amanda, right?"
ME: "It's Abigail, actually."
PATIENT'S DAUGHTER: "Really? Why did I think it was Amanda? You look like an Amanda."
ME: "Yeah I've gotten that before..."
This would not be so remarkable if it wasn't the THIRD time that I have been mistakebly called Amanda in the last two weeks. Except the other times were because there is a CNA named Amanda who works on the 4th floor of my building, and people for some reason think we look freakishly alike, despite the fact that she's a) skinnier and b) blonder. (Umm hello as if it wasn't bad enough to have ONE twin sister who is skinnier and blonder??)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hehe. and you thought when i moved a thousand miles away you might stop being mistaken for me for once??