Thursday, January 15, 2009

Boring Refinancing Post

I apologize, but I seriously have nothing else to blog about except my attempts to re-finance my mortgage. I tried to get Charlie to say something funny this evening so I could blog about it, but he was not in an obliging mood.

Besides, my efforts to re-finance the mortgage have taken up most of my time and energy lately.

So basically, it all boils down to the appraisal, which we ordered today. Since we want to combine the mortgage and home equity line into one new mortgage, we won't have the necessary 20% equity in the house to refinance unless the house appraises for slightly more than we bought it for. The estimated appraisal is for exactly what we bought it for, but hopefully we will be able to squeak out an extra couple thousand out of the real appraisal...? If I wear something skimpy maybe...? Because we are being offered a no points no closing costs mortgage, but if we don't have the requisite 20% equity we will have to pay down the mortgage (hopefully only slightly) to get it. And while it wouldn't be a terrible thing to have to pay a couple thousand off the mortgage -- we will be saving about $300 a month with the new mortgage -- I would much rather use the money in the savings account for funner things, like say, a new car... Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

jesus christ that was boring.... ;)