Monday, January 12, 2009

Quiet Play? No Such Luck

Yesterday I realized that Charlie continues to be one of the absolute loudest children I know. Seriously, I would get his hearing tested -- if I hadn't already had it tested twice -- because the kid *yells* everything. Yesterday he re-discovered his Vtech laptop and is actually old enough to do a couple of the games on it -- for instance, the one where it gives you a letter and you have to find it on the keyboard and press it. For any other kid this would be a relatively quiet endeavor, but for Charlie? No way: "OHH THE 'N'!!! I FIND THE 'N'! I CAN'T SEE IT! I CAN'T SEE IT! WHERE THE 'N'? WAIT I FIND IT!! THERE IT IS!! I FIND THE 'N'!! 'N' IS FOR NEST!!!" Repeat at max decibel level for 25 more letters of the alphabet and hand out ibuprofen to all adults in hearing range.

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