Sunday, January 18, 2009

Plenty of Snow, No Sleds and One "Terrible Two" Year Old

That about sums up today.

Despite the weather forecast -- which told us we would get 3 to 6 inches of snow overnight -- we got a good 8 inches which started early this morning and lasted all day. Despite the weather, it soon became painfully obvious that we needed to get out of the house -- Charlie was in one of his moods: screaming at the top of his lungs, tearing around, rough-housing like a maniac, spilling any and every food item that it is possible to spill... So we packed him up and went on a quest for a sled, thinking that Mike and Charlie could go sledding tomorrow since they are both off for Martin Luther King Day.

Unfortunately, the fact that it is January in Massachusetts apparently does not necessarily mean that there are sleds in the stores. We checked Sports Authority and KMart with no luck (having previously checked WalMart, KB Toys and Sears a few weeks ago) and had to concede that we wouldn't be getting a sled today.

Home from our fruitless trip, Charlie took a short nap and then continued to tear the house apart, color on the walls, and generally be obnoxious, culminating in locking me out of the bathroom while I had his tub running (this involves closing and locking not one but *two* doors.)

I have to say, I am actually glad tomorrow is Monday...


Amanda said...

Ben colored on the car window yesterday. And then insisted he didn't do it (while sitting in his car seat next to the window in question holding a crayon).

Amanda said...

PS, all the sleds must be in Charlotte ;)