Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Busy Weekend

We had a full Saturday today; Charlie had his swimming lesson this morning (see below for pictures) which involved being dunked under water for the first time. He seemed fairly unfazed, and is getting the hang of kicking, blowing bubbles, and putting his ear to the water.

After swimming lessons we went right to Kayte & Brian's house for Drew's 1st birthday party. Charlie enjoyed playing in their ball pit and thoroughly enjoyed the Elmo birthday cake (although he got upset when informed that it was in fact Drew's birthday and not his own.)

After the birthday party it was home for a nap (for all 3 of us!) and then up at 4pm to go to the 5:15pm showing of Monsters Vs Aliens. It held Charlie's attention the entire time -- at one point he even handed me his bag of M&Ms so that he could watch the movie with zero distractions -- and when it was over he promptly started whining, "I wanna see it again...!" A successful movie, in my book.

Tomorrow I am working and Mike is taking Charlie up to Grammy & Grampy's for the day, where I am sure he will have a fun time tormenting their kittens.

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