Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just Not Much Going On (AKA 'A Post About Nothing')

Only a few random things to report midweek:

Charlie has been having a successful week with the potty training so far -- only one outfit chnage in 3 days = successful.

We managed to get what we owe in taxes down to about $3,800. We were going to file an extension, thinking we would have more time to pay but discovered that if you owe money to the IRS you still have to pay it by April 15th even if you file for an extension. Whoever thought that rule up obviously didn't get the fact that why else would you file for an extension except if you needed more time to come up with the money you owed the IRS?

I sent the deposit in for Charlie's birthday party and have been working on the invitations. I am almost happy with them so I might order them this weekend. I am hoping to get them in the mail by April 1st at the latest.

That is about it, I guess, other than I have been waiting for an opportunity to bust out the new camera again but between working 6 days a week and the weather still being pretty crappy the opportunity hasn't presented itself.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You're right that makes no sense. then again the IRS is not known for making sense ;)