Monday, February 1, 2010

Basketball Lessons Take Two

Charlie's second basketball lesson on the whole went better than the first, in that he spent much more time on the gymnasium floor than he did at his first lesson. This, however, does not actually mean he was doing what he was supposed to be doing out on the gymnasium floor. I spent Charlie's lesson sitting within earshot but out of sight, so as to distract him as little as possible. Here is an excerpt from his lesson:
COACH: "Okay, now we're going to play a game. There are five of you and four basketballs -- you are all going to face the wall and then when I say 'go', turn around and run and try to get a basketball."
CHARLIE: "I don't want to play that game. I want to play the game where I'm a panther and I run and chase everyone!"
COACH: "Okay, you can be a panther, but we're all going to run and try to get the basketballs. Ready... go!"
(There is the pitter patter of little feet across the gymnasium.)
CHARLIE: "Awwwww! I didn't get a ball!"
COACH: "Well, maybe next time if you run on your feet instead of on all fours you'll get a ball..."


Grandma said...

Sounds like Charlie is doing fine for a three year old. That is just so cute & funny!! Next time, sneak a peek :)

Amanda said...

and i say... save the money for basketball lessons till he is older! LOL!