Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day #2 Of A Cruddy Weekend

Words that one does not want to be woken up with at 3:30am while staying at the hospital with one's infant daughter: "Hon, we have an emergency here!!" Turns out the upstairs toilet overflowed for reasons unknown and poured water onto the floor and came through the dining room ceiling where it reportedly was mostly soaked up by one of dad's oriental rugs (thanks Dad). So now in addition to dealing with a hospitalized baby we (and by 'we' I really mean Mike) are dealing with filing an insurance claim for a potentially water damaged ceiling and floor as well as a toilet which we are definitely not turning on until we have a plumber come out and look at it. Add to that a cranky and sleep deprived three year old and you have one helluva weekend! Thank god for Phil and Sue, who are babysitting said cranky and sleep deprived three year old while Mike takes care of the house and hopefully gets a nap.

The good news of the weekend is that Amelia's cultures have so far come back negative so it looks like we will be able to go home tomorrow. She also has not spiked a fever since 5am this morning so I am keeping my fingers crossed that she is on the mend!


Grandma said...

But you held up like such a champ! So glad Amelia seems to be on the mend- that is great news and puts leaky toilets into perspective.

Anonymous said...

Holy crud, girl! Sending good thoughts your way.