Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Still No 'Before' & 'After' Pics....

Sorry folks, I still can't bring myself to take the 'after' pics of the basement yet, despite the fact that the carpeting was installed today. Unfortunately, two sets of closet doors and the crawl space door need to be cut down and rehung after the carpet installation and I just can't bring myself to take 'after' pictures with doors off their hinges...

But on the bright side, Mike had a productive trip to Staples which involved getting 2 desks, 2 office chairs, 2 rubber floor mat thingies for the chairs, and a new printer. But, sadly, the desks were not available in the store and had to be ordered online, hence their arrival is set for a vague 'next week sometime'. Sigh....

Tomorrow the cable guy and the heating/air conditioning guy are coming, and Charlie's playroom will be set up by hook or by crook by Monday afternoon because I have a playdate scheduled for him for Monday afternoon and for Tuesday afternoon... So I promise some 'after' pics will be coming soon!!


Amanda said...

wow, scheduling the play dates already before the dust even settles?

Abigail said...

Dude I will be home allll day monday and tuesday with a sugared up Charlie -- you'd be scheduling play dates too ;)