Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool Pics

The outdoor pool at the Weymouth Club is finally open for the season and we spent the whole day there yesterday, with varying degrees of sunburn to show for it! Here are some pics:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thanks For the Visit Grammy Bess & Grampy Paxton!

We had a fun visit with Grammy Bess & Grampy Paxton over the weekend, complete with yummy food, good shopping and an 85 degree afternoon spent at the outdoor pool at the Weymouth club. I was delinquent with the camera but here is a pciture of Amelia sucking on Grammy Bess's arm at the pool:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And We Have A Babysitter!

We had a very successful morning with Meg, the babysitter/mother's helper I found on Charlie had a fun time playing with her, and if she was completely grossed out by the nest of baby spiders and the two "very tiny centipedes" that Charlie dragged her outside to investigate while she was here, she was a good sport about it. I, meanwhile, was able to get a pot of black bean and kielbasa soup made, pack diaper bags, backpacks and lunches/bottles for tomorrow, get a load of laundry started, & clean up the kitchen while she was here.

She is coming back for more of the same two weeks from today, and then I have her lined up for some actual babysitting -- yay!

Monday, May 17, 2010

4 Month Check Up

Amelia had her 4 month check up today. She is 15 lbs 13 oz (89th percentile) and 25 1/2 inches long (93rd percentile) and was pronounced perfect in every way by her pediatriciam, but of course I already knew that ;) She had two shots which she did not cry at all for -- the first one she literally did not make a sound and the second one she said "Eh!!" and that was the end of that ;) Unfortunately poor pumpkin has a 103.3 degree fever now; she spiked a temp with her 2 month shots too. But she is dosed with tylenol and sleeping soundly.

In other news we had our carpets steam cleaned this afternoon and although they are not fully dry yet, they look markedly better. We'll see if they still look as good once they dry, but right now you can barely see the numerous diet Coke spills and sundry other stains we had accumulated over six years.

Tomorrow I have my mother's helper coming from 10a to 12p; I am looking forward to meeting her and getting to make black bean and kielbasa soup without having to entertain Charlie next to a boiling pot. I'll be sure to blog about how it goes!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Charlie's 4 Yr Check Up and Random Other Stuff

Charlie had his four year check up today; he is 43 1/2 inches tall (above the 96th percentile) and 43 lbs (90th-95th percentile) and had to have two shots: polio and DPT. He at first announced he wanted shots so that he could have a treat afterwards, but very quickly changed his mind. Afterwards he told me, "Mommy, doctors shouldn't do that!" Poor kiddo. We also got a referral to an allergist who will re-test Charlie for his peanut allergy and may even allow him to have peanuts in the office to see if we can "clear" him of the allergy. I have already made the appointment but it is not till July, as the guy is supposedly a top expert on peanut allergies and books up fast.

In other news, Amelia has decided that a) she is some type of jungle bird, judging by the high pitched squawks she now emits all day long, and b) she must be fed every three hours day AND night in a desperate attempt to add another inch or so to her already chubby thighs before her 4 month check up next week.

Mother's Day was good -- the boys treated me to breakfast in bed, 2 new pairs of earrings and a trip to the Lucky Brand Jeans store. I also got a membership to and have already found a girl who is going to start as a mother's helper next week and graduate to a babysitter assuming she does not turn out to be an axe weilding psychopath named Damien.

I am going in tomorrow for the first of my laser surgeries for my ingrown toenails -- tomorrow is the right toenail, both borders. I have no idea what to expect and certainly hope I am not limping around for too much longer afterwards!!

I guess that is it on the news front -- my jungle bird is calling me... :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Charlie's Birthday Party

Here are some pictures of Charlie's birthday party at the Weymouth Club. Highlights also included are before and after pictures of the cake ('after' being after Charlie dropped the remaining half on the floor when we got home) and some pictures of Amelia's chunky thighs taken after the party because she was so quiet during the party that I forgot she was there :)